Thursday, 25 July 2013

It never rains ...

I met these little fellas enjoying the monsoon on my way into work today.

Wasn’t everyone supposed to go on holiday this week? What happened?

The CC team were in Amsterdam with ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association) for three brilliant, enlightening days of destination marketing tips and networking with our international counterparts.The Dutch work hard and play hard but their marketing strategy is mind blowing. #inspired;

We learnt that Cambridge ranks 5th as an inbound destination city and 56th internationally – 11 places up on the previous year; the power of Ambassadors and the power of video. We have some work to do;

Two intense days of St John’s Ambulance refresher training (but please - don’t even cut yourself on my watch);  

16 site visits with our agent gurus from Trident Hospitality and working hard to deliver on our Agents' Promise with a flurry of excellent new proposal opportunities for us to host events here in Cambridge;

Super exciting ‘getting to know you’ sessions with our fantastic new Associate Venues – second photo shoot in a week and we all look like we’ve melted! Massive thanks to Murray Edwards College for hosting us over the two days.

Half a dozen show rounds for multisite events as far into the future as 2018 covering all manner of weird and wonderful subjects from animals to archaeology, rare medical disorders to mobile technology!

Motivating presentation by the team from Yorkshire @letouryorkshire and the start of planning for Le Tour de France 2014….. get your yellow flags at the ready for Monday 7 July 2014 and follow @letourcambridge on twitter to keep up to speed and find them on Facebook too.

So my friends in meteorology, who wasn’t paying attention? The sun was out on St Swithin’s Day! In East Anglia, apparently, we have the lowest precipitation rate in the UK!

'St. Swithin's day if thou dost rain
For forty days it will remain
St. Swithin's day if thou be fair
For forty days 'twill rain nae mair.’

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