Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Squaring the Circle*

So, I’m back at my desk after a long break and have paddled my way through two weeks’ worth of correspondence; my productivity may have been low, but everything is now in neat, coded piles of importance and priority.

I have the most comprehensive, annotated, doodled-on ‘to do list’ ever and on the first day of our new financial year, with my extensive wish list of projects, I've already spent the budget.  At least twice.

Now, I just have to get on with it!

To attempt anything requiring any degree of creativity or logic would have felt like attempting to square the circle. But the day wasn't completely fruitless.

We launched our Associate Venue Membership – welcoming a dozen or so new non-academic venues into the portfolio – very exciting times. To find out more about our new venues take a look at www.conferencecambridge.com.

Martin Dempster and Kevan Holland of Trident Hospitality introduced our new Agents’ Promise and Code of Conduct at Midlands Consortium of Conference Organisers (MCOCO) Agents’ Showcase at Ramada in Sutton Coldfield. 

We found out that we’ll be hosting the next Great Ambassador Networking Group over Easter next year and we have a meeting on Wednesday with a fantastic potential Cambridge Ambassador as a result of our efforts on the ICCA database.

We have a meeting with the helpful people from UKTI to discuss our international efforts and potentially some joint promotions with Cambridge Airport, now that they have daily scheduled flights to Milan, Paris, Amsterdam and Geneva with Darwin Airlines.

And on Thursday,  we are very much looking forward to entertaining some clients at the Cambridge Belfry’s Banqueting Showcase – with an American theme, it being Independence Day, I think we’ll have a good night.

I love my job. (Most of the time)

Kelly Vickers
Manager, Conference Cambridge

Conference Cambridge is the official, free venue-finding service of the University of Cambridge, its Colleges, hotels and other  unique venues in the City.

*Squaring the Circle: On this day in 1769, a witty poem was published in the Cambridge Chronicle, in which, students were expressing their desire to wear square caps instead of round black caps.

Reference: the Cambridge Book of Days, Rosemary Zanders

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